3 Keys to a Great Blog Post


The internet is awash in content, making it harder for any one article or post to stand out. What’s the best way to create blogs that people will choose to read from this vast sea of options? If you focus on these three points as you write, you’ll have a better shot at delivering content that gets noticed and shared.

1.    Quality. Before you begin your article, consider your goals and decide what you want to include. Make an outline of the critical information to share and prune any side topics that deserve more comprehensive treatment, making a note of those that you can address in a post of their own. Take enough time to craft an article that flows logically, reads well and is error-free, because Google penalizes for grammatical mistakes – and so do your readers! There’s no point in pushing out an unedited or incomplete post just for the sake of publishing often. It’s better to post less frequently and have articles that deliver valuable information people will want to read and use.

2.    Relevance. Who are you talking to and what do they need to know? Matching your topic and treatment to the intended audience is an important part of successful blogging. Think about your readers (or those you hope will read your blog) and give them information that helps them make educated decisions, understand what’s happening in their areas of concern and recognize when and if they need professional help. Verify that what you’re sharing is current and true, and cite your sources when appropriate. If you want to be viewed as an expert in the area you’re writing about, you need to be sure you’re giving the best information and that it is conveyed in a way that makes it accessible to your readers.

3.    Brevity. The popular notion that web surfers are akin to goldfish when it comes to attention span isn’t exactly true. That said, most of us hesitate to approach a wall of words and we aren’t likely to stick around through endless paragraphs. Making sure your content is relevant and well-written helps retain attention, but it’s equally important to limit length. Cut out anything that isn’t needed and trim the wording where you can. There’s a place for language-lovers to wallow in wordplay and immerse themselves in waves of wonderful prose; business-focused blogs are generally not that place.

Keep these three key goals in mind as you craft your content and you’ll be more likely to earn the clicks and exposure you seek for your blog. If you feel you’re missing out on some of the joys of writing, remember there’s plenty of room on the shelves for white papers, books and in-depth articles that let you express yourself more fully.

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Sarah Warlick

Sarah Warlick founded Proof Positive Content to provide professional service firms with high-quality content that resonates with their target audiences. Sarah's writing appears in books, on the websites of over a dozen Top 100 Accounting Firms and in Accounting Today, Forbes and other leading publications, but usually under another name. Ghostwriters rarely get the glory - their clients do!